Hinckley Running Club has applied for places for the 2013 event. To be considered for a place there are 3 rules:-
1. You must be a Club Member
2. You must have been rejected in the ballot – proof to be shown when you receive the club place.
3. You must agree to wear the HRC Club vest in the VLM
The procedure this year to receive a club place is that 6 officers of HRC will vote -Chairman, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Head Coach, Men’s and Ladies Club Captains (unless they declare an interest – then another officer will take their place) – 3 pts for their 1st choice, 2 pts for 2nd choice and 1 pt for 3rd choice. The people with the most points will receive the Club places – we anticipate that there will be 3 places.
Closing date for consideration: Sunday, 4th November
Results to be announced at the AGM on: 13th November (providing notice of number of places has been received by VLM)
Please post on FB if you want to be considered for a place or email me on: linda@hrclub.fsnet.co.uk
Good Luck