Bagworth Heath XC Results

Results for Bagworth Heath XC can be found HERE


As always, thanks and well done everyone who took part or supported. A slightly smaller turn out than the first one. Even if you are not in the first few back to count for a team, you will be pushing down the numbers of other club’s runners who do score in their team. Also, you might be in the top few for Hinckley! I was (just) and didn’t expect to be.

So we ended up with 14 men and 12(.8?) ladies finishing.

As a team we came 4th in League 1 again and remain in 4th place. Currently 3rd place is a way ahead of us. Although, 5th and 6th are close behind us.

This time Men came 5th in League 1, with Beaumont coming ahead of us as well as the same 3 from last time. We are still 4th place and like the teams, further away from 3rd place but with 5th and 6th on our tail.

Ladies improved and came 2nd in League 2. This pushes them up to 2nd place. I feel a promotion coming on this season.

An old venue but a new course this year. Slightly longer, and I think a bit more up and down, but good fun!

So close to call on ROD again, but Ed and I have finally managed to make a decision and will announce on Thursday.

Jon Strong – Men’s Captain