2018 Club Committee

As announced after the AGM last week, the club’s committee is now as follows:

Geoff Oliver – President

Andy Lauder – Chairman

Paul Clayton – Hon. Secretary

Elizabeth Aspden-Mansfield* – Assistant Secretary

Odette Foxall – Treasurer

Kirsty Pollard* – Membership Secretary

Andrea Earley – Vice-Chair

Leanne Byard* – Club Development

Kate Perkins* – XC Rep

Sarah Garford** – LRRL Rep

Jenny Green – Coaching Co-ordinator and Ladies Captain

Céline Guéry – Ladies Captain

Richard Guest – Mens Captain

Nick Moore – Mens Captain

* = New member or changed role

** Sarah is stepping down from the LRRL Rep role but has agreed to continue until a replacement is found — please enquire if you are interested.d

Stepping down from the committee after many years of service are Sarah Garford, Jonathan Strong and Helen Wilebore.