AGM Report

Last night was the club’s Annual General Meeting which was attended by about 40 members old and new. It is the important occasion when members agree how the club will be run for the next year.The first news to report is the changes to the committee which are as follows:


At the meeting Geoff Oliver announced that he would step down as Club President after 15 years on the committee. He explained this was mainly due to difficulties driving at night and being unable to attend meetings, and made it clear that this was a retirement from the committee only and not from the club! We will still have his final president’s speech to look forward to at the presentation night, and that will also be an occasion to give him a proper thanks.

The role of club president is appointed, rather than voted on. On behalf of the committee, the chairman invited Dave Masser to be the new club president and he kindly accepted.


Andy Lauder is stepping down as chairman after 3 years in the role. Charlotte Sinclair volunteered to take on the role and is our new chairman.

Men’s Captains

Derek Gordon agreed to become the new men’s captain alongside Simon Wiggins who is staying on, and Greg Pollard is stepping down from the committee.


Sanjay Chamund is the new LRRL rep, taking over from Chris Langham who is stepping down.


Ruth Mansfield has taken on the publicity role, taking over from Charlotte.

Assistant Secretary

The club has created a new role of assistant secretary to assist Liz with her duties (mainly the techie duties!), and that will be done by me.
All of the other committee members have agreed to continue their roles, and therefore therefore the full committee is now as follows:

PRESIDENT – Dave Masser
CHAIRMAN – Charlotte Sinclair
SECRETARY – Elizabeth Aspden-Mansfield
TREASURER – Odette Foxall
SECRETARY – Richard Pearson
VICE CHAIRMAN – Andrea Earley
MENS CAPTAINS – Simon Wiggins and Derek Gordon
LADIES CAPTAINS – Céline Guéry and Jenny Green
LRRL REP – Sanjay Chamund
XC REP – Kate Perkins
PUBLICITY – Ruth Mansfield
In the equally important non-committee roles:

  • Penny Masser has agreed to carry on as kit rep
  • I will carry on doing the website
  • Andy Lauder, Emma Thompson and Diane Wildbur will be welfare officers, both for the main club and juniors. I expect we will hear more about this at some point.

A big thank you to all new members volunteering and to all those ongoing and stepping down for their service.

London Marathon Club Place

For 2020 the club has been allocated one club place for the London Marathon and this has been awarded to Jessica Daly.

Membership fee

Membership fees will remain the same as last year. EA affiliation cost has increased from £15 to £16, but the club will subsidise the extra £1 to keep the price of affiliated membership at £40.

Code of conduct

The club has agreed to adopt a code of conduct setting out what behaviour is expected of members. You can read it here:

Social Events

  • Liz will be kindly hosting the Mince Pie night again, details to be announced.
  • Also be on the look out for an announcement from Leanne about a Christmas social night.
  • The presentation night will be on Saturday 18th January, once again at the rugby club. Details to be announced in due course.

I have probably forgotten something as this is all from memory. Other things may be announced in due course, and any errors or omissions are all mine! Thank you to everyone who attended last night and here’s to another successful year of the club.